The ghost only knew what the group of people in Free Lives had experienced. Their game was always inseparable from “brothers and expensiveâ€. Previously there was "Broforce" and later a more magical and better-known work "Genital Jousting". Yes, a work whose name and picture are "philosophy".

Now that they have come up with a VR game, they still look very fierce and very fierce. This VR game is called "GORN", or may be called "VR Violent Gladiator Simulator." Official said that in this game "has a unique and complete physical combat engine that allows players to meet the most violent in virtual reality. Gladiator fantasy."

First of all, the game is really "fierce" in the duel of the gladiators can even tear each other. The next is very expensive. The gladiators are full of muscle-naked brawny--some will wear armor and crush it. Players can use swords, flying knives, warhammers and even magic to defeat these gladiators.

Well, it seems that even VR products have the style of the Free Lives studio. The "VRRN" VR game will be launched on Steam on July 10th. The current Steam shop page is already open.

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