The most basic use of controlled rectifier common thyristors is controlled rectification. The familiar diode rectifier circuit is an uncontrolled rectifier circuit. If the diode is replaced by a thyristor, it can form a controllable rectifier circuit, inverter, motor speed regulation, motor excitation, non-contact switch and automatic control. In electrical engineering, the half cycle of the alternating current is often set to 180°, which is called the electrical angle. Thus, in each positive half cycle of U2, the electrical angle experienced from the start of the zero value to the instant of the arrival of the trigger pulse is referred to as the control angle α; the electrical angle at which the thyristor conducts during each positive half cycle is referred to as the conduction angle θ. It is obvious that both α and θ are used to indicate the conduction or blocking range of the thyristor for a half cycle of the forward voltage. Controllable rectification is achieved by changing the control angle α or the conduction angle θ to change the average value UL of the pulsed DC voltage on the load.
The function of the non-contact switch thyristor is not only rectification, but also can be used as a non-contact switch to quickly turn on or off the circuit, to convert the direct current into an alternating current, and to change one frequency of alternating current into another. Kinds of alternating current, and so on.
Yuhai Company is engaged to research and development of piezoelectric products and related piezoelectric products, the related piezoelectric products includes the piezo sensors and transducer.
The ultrasonic transducer is a kind of transducer that converts the ultrasonic signal into electric signal, or vice versa. Ultrasound transmitter and receiver is a transducer that can transmit and receive ultrasound. Ultrasound sensor is a kind of sensor, in essence, it is also a transmitter and receiver. The working principle of this kind of equipment is similar to that of radar and sonar. Active ultrasonic sensors can emit and receive reflected waves, and determine the distance of the target by measuring the time interval between transmission and reception. Passive ultrasonic sensor is actually a microphone that can convert ultrasonic signal into electrical signal.
According to the working principle and materials used, the ultrasonic transducer has piezoelectric transducer, electrostatic transducer (capacitive transducer), magnetostrictive transducer, electromagnetic acoustic transducer, mechanical transducer and other types [1].
Ultrasonic Sensor,Piezo Sensor,Ultrasonic Piezo Disc,Ultrasonic Piezo Elements
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