Ningbo Art Museum Lighting Design

General: Ningbo Art Museum, located on the north side of the prosperous Sanjiangkou, east of Lijiang River, south of the old Bund, west of Jiangbei Renmin Road. Covering an area of ​​15,800 square meters, it is a collection of art collections, exhibitions, internal and external exchanges and other functions. A modern, high-grade, large-scale art performance museum

a) Lighting design concept:
1.ARCHITECTURE------Architectural lighting needs to symbolize the various needs of the exhibition and can be combined with the architectural style.
2.ACTIVITY---------------Events meet the functional needs of visitors
3.ATMOSPHERE-------The atmosphere is designed with dramatic lighting according to different occasions to meet the psychological needs of visitors.

Small picture needs narrow light

Large picture requires more wide light

Some occasions need to add anti-glare accessories

Two-story lighting two main exhibition halls one hall two floors main exhibition hall floor plan

Second floor main exhibition floor plan

Second floor main exhibition hall 1 lighting

2nd floor main exhibition hall 2 lighting

Second floor hall lighting

Second floor lobby reception desk lighting

Second floor corridor lighting

Illumination map of the surface of the exhibits on the second floor of the main exhibition hall

Two-layer lighting metering result

Lighting for the second floor lighting 1

Lighting for two-story lighting 2

Second floor lobby reception lighting

Second floor small exhibition hall lighting plan
Two-story small exhibition hall lighting elevation

Second floor small exhibition hall lighting 1
Second floor small exhibition hall lighting 2

Second floor small exhibition hall lighting

One floor main exhibition hall lighting 1
One floor main exhibition hall lighting 2

One floor main exhibition hall lighting 3

One floor main exhibition hall lighting 4

One floor main exhibition hall lighting 5

One floor main exhibition hall lighting 6

Illumination map of the surface of the exhibits on the first floor of the main exhibition hall

Surface illuminance value of exhibits on the first floor of the main exhibition hall

One floor main exhibition hall lighting

One layer of interlayer lighting 1

a layer of mezzanine lighting 2

a layer of mezzanine lighting 3

a layer of mezzanine lighting 4

Illumination map of a layer of interlayer

a layer of interlayer surface illuminance value

a layer of laminated lighting

Actual photo after completion

Actual photos after completion (1)

Actual photos after completion (2)

Actual photos after completion (3)

Actual photos after completion (4)

Actual photos after completion (5)

Actual photos after completion (6)

Actual photos after completion (7)

Actual photos after completion (8)

Actual photos after completion (9)

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