Although Pornhub, the world’s largest pornographic website, has announced that 360° panoramic video on the site can be viewed on the PSVR, its president, Corey Price, is still sceptical about Sony’s recently launched device.
Panorama videos in pornography site Pornhub can be watched on PSVR
The main reason is that PlayStation 4's support for media formats is far inferior to that of smartphones. This also leads to the troublesome task of watching Pornhub with PSVR:
1. Use a computer browser to go to Pornhub's VR video category
2, download VR video
3, transfer video to PS4 via USB
4, open with PS4 special player software
5, to ensure that the PS4 player must be upgraded to 2.50
6, open PSVR head display
7, the Options button on your DualShock
8, open VR Mode
PSVR head display
"Compared with HTC Vive and Oculus, PSVR does not have a replay function; compared with Gear VR and Google Cardboard, not only does WebVR support but ease of use is unclear," said Price.
"We strongly recommend that PSVR be able to add WebVR support to its browser to enable seamless playback of VR video." PSVR's tasteless VR video native playback capabilities not only make users unable to experience "erotic" "Service only, almost all WebVR-based online VR content playback, here is not effective in the PSVR. For a position in the high-end VR heads, this is clearly an unreasonable functional castration.
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