Texas Instruments simplifies IoT cloud connectivity with the Amazon AWS IoT IoT application platform

Beijing, October 19, 2015

Texas Instruments (NASDAQ: TXN) today announced that its SimpleLinkTM Wi-Fi® wireless microcontroller (MCU) can now easily and securely connect IoT endpoints to Amazon Cloud Services (AWS) for remote management and data analysis. At the same time, the AWS IoT Software Development Kit (SDK) for TI's low-power SimpleLinkTM Wi-Fi® CC3200 Wireless MCU LaunchPadTM suite is also available to help developers quickly connect to AWS IoT services and instantly launch their IoT design development work.

TI SimpleLink Wi-Fi The CC3200 Wireless MCU LaunchPad is the industry's first evaluation kit with a built-in programmable MCU, single-chip and low-power Wi-Fi solution. The CC3200 LaunchPad is equipped with a temperature sensor and accelerometer, but with the addition of the BoosterPackTM insert, the device enables easy integration of additional sensors to help developers prototype IoT applications. Developers can now use the SDK to store and analyze sensor data and trigger operations, and interact with designs and products connected to the cloud through mobile and Internet applications.

"We are very pleased to help users develop cloud connectivity products for IoT applications worldwide with AWS IoT," said Avner Goren, general manager of embedded processing strategy marketing at TI. "AWS IoT further demonstrates TI's commitment to embedded Wi-Fi and Internet connectivity are easily added to a wide range of products in home, industrial and consumer electronics."

Semiconductor innovation is the foundation of IoT's interconnection between people, things and the cloud. By extending wired connectivity to wireless and reducing product power consumption to run on battery power, TI's innovation is making IoT a reality. In addition, TI is making development easier by providing certified modules and pre-integrated cloud interconnect software stacks.

TI has a broad portfolio of building blocks for IoT nodes and gateways, including wired and wireless connectivity, microcontrollers, processors, sensing technologies, power management and analog solutions, while also through the cloud service provider ecosystem. Can help users connect to the cloud more quickly. TI is adding AWS to its IoT cloud ecosystem, along with other members, that can support multiple TI devices for easy and fast cloud connectivity.

About Texas Instruments

Texas Instruments (TI) is a global semiconductor design and manufacturing company specializing in the development of analog integrated circuits (ICs) and embedded processors. TI has the world's top talent, innovation and shaping the future of the technology industry. Today, TI is working with more than 100,000 customers to create a better tomorrow.


SimpleLink and LaunchPad are trademarks of Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI). All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

TI is listed on the NASDAQ Stock Exchange under the symbol TXN.

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