Tencent Digital (compilation: where less) Lenovo's new tablet Yoga Book consists of two parts connected by hinges, which at first glance looks like a laptop. However, the following part is not an ordinary keyboard, but a touch panel with dual functions: it can display a touch keyboard, and it can also be used as a graphics board for the supporting stylus to write and draw on it. So, is this really a true innovation or a gimmick for "new and new?" On this issue, the Yoga Book makes us a bit confused.
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Can be a "down dog" tablet
First of all, we appreciate the engineering level of the hinges used in the Yoga Book. This hinge is similar to the “hinge strap†hinge used on other Yoga devices, but it was redesigned for the compact 10.1-inch Yoga Book, which is still smaller and yet sturdy enough.
The hinge of the Yoga Book is very easy to use, finding the right balance between stiffness and ease of handling. The screen section can stay at any angle you set - of course, you can also flip it 360 degrees, this time it is not much thicker than the average tablet.
Lenovo Yoga Book is unusually slim, compact and lightweight, and the feeling is a product with excellent design. We will not call it a masterpiece, but its appearance is still relatively good.
"Halo Keyboard" is a big compromise
What is the following about this fake keyboard?
Since we cannot feel every keystroke, we think that this so-called "halo keyboard" is hardly a feasible input method. Lenovo claims that people will be able to adapt to it after about two hours of use, but whether it is adapted or not, it is still a glass plane that can be pressed without a physical button. We do not have the opportunity to use it for a long time, but our first impression is that it may be better than nothing, but it is still an interface that does not improve our lives.
Some people say that the glowing "Halo Keyboard" makes the Yoga Book look like a futuristic. This may be true, but we can't imagine that this keyboard can occupy a place in the real future life because it is more like A step backwards from ordinary keyboard design, rather than any form of progress.
Randomly draw and graffiti on paper and glass
Yoga Book's design concept is to become a powerful note-taking device, and we believe it is indeed such a device! In fact, in addition to the note and drawing functions, the Yoga Book is not worthy of serious evaluation.
The tablet is equipped with a multi-function stylus, and the keyboard contains Wacom's digital tablet. The stylus itself can be equipped with two different pen tips: one is a stylus tip that allows you to write directly on the glass plane, with 2048 pressure sensing and 100 degree angle detection; the other is a small ink cartridge, It is also more special.
The Yoga Book comes with an A5-sized notepad that you can place directly on the touch panel and start writing in real ink on this notebook - all your strokes will be instantly reflected in Yoga. On the screen of the Book, the digital tablet in the keyboard section can detect the movement of the stylus pen at a distance.
This sounds very clever and may be a bit complicated. In reality, the effect is amazing. The input is only minimally delayed, and the response is sensitive enough. The best thing is that you don't have to sacrifice the realism of writing on paper, nor do you sacrifice the convenience of saving your notes in digital format.
However, the Yoga Book is a very niche product. The object it faces is undoubtedly not the mass consumer, but it needs to take a lot of notes - maybe even draw a picture, compile a spreadsheet, go online, but not Business people who use it to do a lot of other things. It comes with an Atom processor and a nice screen, but the 10-inch size doesn't make it an office tool. This is a stylish device designed to solve a problem that we are not very sure about, but its compromise is obvious: there is no real keyboard, only a touch-sensitive analog keyboard that is far less convenient than a physical keyboard.
Yoga Book is available in two operating systems. The Android version costs $499 (approximately RMB3,333), and the Windows 10 version costs $549 (approximately RMB3,667). Pricing seems to be fairly good for the features it offers. reasonable. However, you can also buy a real notebook and scan your notes with a mobile app, which will cost less.
Yes, Yoga Book is a stylish product, but it is not a breakthrough device. It's amazing, but it lacks a clear direction. It's more innovative in hardware but less innovative in experience. It's not the kind of thing that we all missed when we stopped and thought about it. Great ideas. The Yoga Book tries to solve the puzzle of “How to make the tablet feel sexy again?†but we feel that it is not a good solution to give a tablet computer a paper notebook.
Source: PhoneArena
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