Tencent Digital (Compile: Human) The hybrid tablet market has always been dominated by products such as the iPad Pro and Pixel C. In addition to more friendly designs, the Android and iOS ecosystems are more suitable for mobile productivity office and leisure entertainment. However, the only drawback of these products is that the price is not cheap, so this is why the emergence of Asus ZenPad 10 has become a very competitive product. The price of 200 pounds (about 2,000 yuan) also comes with an external keyboard, at least on the surface, is a cost-effective product.
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In actual use, the ZenPad 10 also proved to be a great entry-level product, but it seems that the ZenPad 10 also exposed some of its own shortcomings due to CPU and previous ZenPad 8.0 Z580CA limitations.
Design and keyboard
Asus ZenPad series products tend to focus on functionality and cost-effective, so do not put too much thought on the design. This concept was also continued on the ZenPad 10, which is a rather understated hybrid tablet that includes a tablet computer and an external keyboard.
From the design point of view, ZenPad 10 does not have any bright spots. The plastic shell is a little cheaper, especially compared to NVIDIA Shield K1. The ZenPad 10's external keyboard also gives people the same feeling. The plastic material is somewhat fragile, but it seems to be able to withstand a certain degree of strength and can be moderately bent. And when I connected the keyboard to the ZenPad 10, I was still satisfied with the input experience.
The ZenPad 10 keyboard has relatively moderate keystrokes and feels good. At the same time, the ZenPad 10 keyboard is also guaranteed to be top-heavy. Like Pixel C, the ZenPad 10 can also be used directly on the lap. However, the base of the ZenPad 10 is relatively compact, and it is prone to misuse when used, and it takes a while to adapt.
Similarly, the ZenPad 10 uses a weird dual-battery system. Like the Pixel C, the two parts of the ZenPad 10 are powered separately, but both need to be charged independently, but the keyboard part cannot provide the tablet with a mobile power. Asustek did not add this feature, leaving a slight regret.
ZenPad 10 provides 16GB of body storage space, and supports microSD card expansion. Overall, the configuration and performance are slightly mediocre.
Due to the positioning entry level and cheap feeling, it will make us absolutely worse in the durability of the ZenPad 10, but if we use it as a temporary office tool, we accidentally fall to the ground during the carrying process. In fact, the ZenPad 10 still has Certain resistance to falling will not be easily broken.
The impressive part of ZenPad 10 also includes audio effects. On an external keyboard, ASUS is equipped with two DTS-HD standard speakers, so it can even provide a certain amount of virtual surround sound. Although the effect is relatively basic, it is a surprise for such an entry-level product. When connecting the keyboard dock, the details of audio presentation are much better than those of the same price.
Although I will not use the ZenPad 10 as my audio player, using it to watch Netflix videos will definitely not disappoint you, at least in terms of sound effects.
In fact, ZenPad 10's 10.1-inch display is also very suitable for watching movies. Although the resolution of 1280×800 pixels is not high, you can see the pixels even if you look closely, but the screen is very good in color balance, and the whole is full of vitality. Is taking into account its price factor.
The ZenPad 10's IPS display panel is clear and has a very large viewing angle, and it doesn't have much impact even if viewed from the side. Although the maximum screen brightness of the ZenPad 10 is not too high, it is enough to ensure that the contents of the screen can be seen in direct sunlight. In addition, watching in the indoor environment, ZenPad 10's IPS screen level definitely exceeds the same price competition. In addition, ZenPad 10 did not even exhibit light leakage, which also made me feel a little surprised.
For me personally, the screen effect of ZenPad 10 is satisfying to me, and the color temperature of the screen can also be adjusted according to the application. Including also preset value, blue wave filter and artificial color temperature control module.
At the same time, in order to ensure the productivity value, Asustek has not equipped ZenPad 10 with an optional stylus, but considering its relatively low resolution, I recommend using it simply, not to perform too complex drawing operations on it.
Software and Systems
Although I do not care much about systems and software, I have to say that ASUS UI is one of the worst I have ever used. ASUS not only added a lot of meaningless software and services to the system, but also many UI designs are unreasonable.
However, in terms of interface style, ASUS's UI is still relatively close to the native Android system. This generation is still very gratifying.
However, the features of the Marshmallow system are to improve usability and stability from the bottom, but the interface with ASUS UI is slightly confusing, and different styles of elements are mixed together and it feels more general.
The ZenPad 10 is equipped with a quad-core Intel Atom X3-C3200 processor and 2GB of running memory. This processor is not the fastest, but it is relatively balanced in terms of efficiency, performance, and cost. The overall performance is still acceptable.
ZenPad 10 is no exception. It provides a balance in performance. Generally speaking, ZenPad 10 is good at handling some web browsing, video and word processing, but it can't handle the 3D game screen. For example, when I was running Riptide GP2, the load time took 1 minute.
In the Ann Bunny Run Score test, the ZenPad 10 score was 20342, while the mononuclear side score was only 693 points. In the 3DMark test, the score was 5697.
These scores were worse than those of the previous NVIDIA Shield K1. The latter Bunny and GeekBench scored 3,602 and 29,097 respectively.
The official life time of ZenPad 10 is 8 hours, which is basically the same as the average price for the tablet. In practical tests, if the intensity of use is not large, it can basically maintain the use time of 2 to 3 days.
During browsing the web, watching Netflix and YouTube videos, and 1 hour of gaming, the ZenPad 10 still had 10% to 14% of its electricity all day long, which was basically what we expected. The game consumes some power.
As an entry-level tablet, the performance of the ZenPad 10 in the camera can only be described as normal. A 2 megapixel main camera and a 300,000-pixel front camera can be used just as they are.
to sum up
If your budget is tight but you still need a hybrid tablet with an external keyboard, the ZenPad 10 is a good entry-level option, and although it's not perfect, it's practical.
Standard external keyboard;
Excellent audio effects
Endurance performance is satisfactory;
System interface bloated;
General processor performance;
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