Onkyo pure power amplifier A-927 audition report

When it comes to Onkyo, Japan, friends must be more familiar. In the past, Onkyo opened the situation with pure power in the audio field. Now its AV amplifier seems to be one of the mainstream in the market, and this time I want to go back and talk to friends Talk about its pure power amplifier. Last year, a friend of mine bought an Onkyo AV power amplifier TX-DS838. I originally wanted to form a high-quality AV and HI-FI system. The main speaker used the Danish Crown ’s 880i (8800 yuan), but it played music. The effect was disappointing. The sound of 838 was thin and weak, lifeless. After many experiments and comparisons, the friend also understood that under the condition of limited investment, AV and HI-FI are not easy to be compatible. With the pure power amplifier of Onkyo, this is the A-927 that this article will talk to friends:

Among the pure power amplifiers of less than 10,000 yuan in Anqiao, A-927 (almost the same machine as A-9911, only slightly different in appearance, decoration and size) can be said to be a backbone model. Some of my personal feelings report to everyone, for the reference of friends who need to buy a machine.
Equipment: CD player: Onkyo DX-7511 (full motorcycle)
Amplifier: Onkyo A-927

Speaker: Danish Crown 880i
Speaker line: Monster two-line crossover product line Signal line: Audioquest

1. Impression of Onqiao A-927's process and materials:

Compared with cheap equipment in Europe and the United States, the appearance processing technology of Japanese equipment has obvious advantages. This 927 panel uses popular champagne aluminum alloy, and the processing level has reached an exquisite level. A large Onkyo patented AEI transformer is seen in the hollow of the shell. Compared with ordinary EI and toroidal transformers, the transformer has extremely low magnetic leakage rate and high current capacity; the whole machine is huge and weighs 18 kg From the perspective of its nominal power of 90 watts per channel, it is really impossible to doubt its true performance! (Thinking of the thin British amplifiers with the same power, it seems that the Japanese are not all so profitable.)
Open the case
The complexity and precision of the machine is very impressive. The green circuit board is densely covered with components, which are dotted with some specially-made electrolytic capacitors in bright green and bright red shells. , 927 materials have reached an unprecedented level in the price of less than 7000.

According to the data, A-927 adopts a unique non-negative feedback (NFB) design, which overcomes the headache of crossover modulation distortion and avoids the effect of the speaker's back electromotive force on the power amplifier circuit. The NFB design combines the post-stage After the reverse Darlington circuit, the distortion of the whole machine is greatly reduced, and it is not more than 0.06% in the entire audio range. These advanced breakthrough designs can be imagined to improve the sound quality.

Second, the impression of Onkyo A-927 sound:

Like the clear outline, its sound is not as powerful as I expected it to be, and the sense of speed is medium. If we compare the distinctive and impactful sound style of the Tianlong amplifier to an energetic teenager, then 927 is a mature young man who has always shown a stable character. He sees no signs of impetuosity, calmly and calmly. Specifically, the clear and controllable low frequency of 927 has the style of the famous British AUDIOLAB8000 series, while the thick and stable intermediate frequency has the shadow of Marantz PM80. What about the high frequency? It does n’t sound as clear and transparent as Tianlong ’s, and it ’s full of volume. It ’s a bit like a high-quality amplifier, but after trying it with Hugo ’s audio test disc, it ’s not the case, perhaps because its mid-to-low frequency is thicker than Tianlong, giving the overall Feeling different! By the way, if compared with the domestic amplifier, the sound amplifier is somewhat similar to the 927. Let's talk about the driving force of 927 again. From its size, many friends will think that 927 is an amplifier with amazing driving force. In fact, the driving force of 927 is still limited. The volume potentiometer it uses is A special exponential type, the volume increase is relatively slow. To reach a moderate listening volume, the potentiometer is often pointed to the 12 o'clock position, but after 3 o'clock, the low frequency will occasionally run out of control, indicating that the current is at this time. The output capacity of the system began to decline. In general, 927 gives me the feeling that it belongs to a class of soft and sound-resistant equipment. It sounds quiet, and it is more suitable for listening to some soothing music varieties. It doesn't seem suitable. Of course, if you feel that the sound is a little too greasy, you can use some fast wire, such as VDH silver-coated wire, Macros, etc.

Third, the characteristics of Onkyo A-927 and suggestions for matching speakers:

It will get good results with a sound-neutral box, but the sensitivity of the box should not be too low, it should be easier to play the performance of 927 above 88db. 927 does not have a remote control device, which is its shortcomings and its advantages, because the quality of general motor drive potentiometers is not very high, and the high quality is too expensive to use in this price range of amplifiers, so , 927 abandoned the remote control, and retained the high-quality volume potentiometer. In the domestic speakers, we tried the small cyclone MB-6, the effect is good. Some models of French Wave have been tried in the imported box, and the results are very good. The high sensitivity and lively romantic style of the French box are very compatible with the 927. Limited to time and conditions, other speakers have no chance to match. Based on experience, I guess that the high-frequency and darker boxes like AE100i may not be suitable for 927.

4. Conclusion

If you have no prejudice against Japanese equipment, Onkyo ’s A-927 is a product with certain strength in the mid-priced imported machine. Its unique circuit structure and extremely low distortion far exceed many technically. School equipment is the main method of British equipment. I personally think that it is more cost-effective to buy it than the thin and small equipment such as the British Yajun for the same price. The above experience is for your friends' reference.
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