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Tencent digital hearing (Eskimo) With the official release of Android 7.0 Nougat, the major manufacturers have begun to publish their own upgrade program. In the list of upgrade models that they have announced, we have found a strange phenomenon: No models will be upgraded to Noigat during the period of 2013-2014, and the Xiaolong 800/801 chip will be used, including the Xperia Z3. HTC One M8 and Google Nexus 5.
Third-party ROM developer LlabTooFeR pointed out that Qualcomm will not release graphics drivers for Xiaolong 800/801, so the models using this processor will not receive official Android 7.0 support. In response, Qualcomm responded that they "have been working closely with OEMs to provide different versions of Android systems for Opteron chips." However, the length of time a chip is supported and the scalable system version "depend on the OEM's product cycle."
From this point of view, the age of the two chips is indeed a problem, which may be the reason why the above vendors do not plan to provide new version upgrades. But if manufacturers want to provide Android 7.0 upgrade for Xiaolong 800/801, can this be done?
Sony has been actively developing the Android 7.0 upgrade for the Xperia Z3. This device already has its own Android N developer preview project and has been upgraded to the fourth version - this also shows that Android 7.0 can run normally on both chips. . However, due to technical and legal reasons, the fifth edition of the developer preview has not been released yet.
Ola Olsson, a Sony mobile communications employee, explained this question in Google+: “It's a little regrettable, but we don’t want to shirk our responsibility, so we can’t reveal more technical limitations. Even if we want to make Z3 an Android upgrade. N, but still couldn't do it. We don't want to pass Google CTS certification."
It looks like this seems to be Google's problem. What is Google CTS certification? For manufacturers, to obtain Google's system authorization, they must comply with Google's Android Compatibility Definition (CDD), which defines the software and hardware requirements for an Android-compatible device. Subsequently, the manufacturer's equipment also needs to pass the compatibility test, which is CTS.
To sum up, LlabTooFeR said Qualcomm will not issue graphics drivers, Qualcomm said (upgrade or not) is a vendor decision, and Sony said it blames Google. This leads to a new question: What content does Android 7.0 CDD and CTS have for Nexus 5, HTC One M8, and Xperia Z3? On the processor side, we can generally categorize it into three standards: the supported instruction set, GPU, and performance.
From the list of equipment that can be upgraded by Nougat, we have the following findings:
The GPU models covered by these devices include Adreno 306, 430, and Mali-T860.
The performance of these devices varies greatly from the Helio P10, the Xiaolong 410, to the Xiaolong 820.
Most devices use 64-bit processors
It can be seen that neither GPU nor performance is the reason for limiting the Nougat upgrade. However, it is worth noting that most of the upgradeable models are 64-bit devices, or more specifically, ARMv8 devices. What exactly do these 64-bit devices have in the Xiaolong 800/801, but what about the 32-bit Xiaolong 805? Not a GPU, not a performance, or a fancy 4GB RAM limit. What the hell is that?
ARMv8 and Advanced Encryption Standards
Google is increasingly eager to use the storage encryption technology. The Android 6.0 CDD states that "if the device supports security lock screen ... then it must support full disk encryption" and "full disk encryption must be turned on by default when the user completes the initial setup." In addition, the CDD also requires cryptographic performance, saying "the device must support faster than 50MB/s when supporting full-disk encryption and advanced encryption standards." However, the CDD also includes some exemptions that allow older devices to not enable storage encryption.
Android 7.0 uses file-based encryption, which means that the system encrypts individual files instead of the entire file system. This encryption method allows Android to use a more elaborate encryption policy and also implements the Direct Boot function. Although the Android 7.0 CDD has not yet been released, it will certainly provide AES encryption performance levels, and CTS will inevitably be tested.
One of the additional features of ARMv8 is the implementation of hardware encryption instructions. This means that all ARMv8 SoCs can use the special hardware in the processor to use AES for data encryption, including Helio P10, Snapdragon 410, and Snapdragon 820, which is much faster than using a software-based solution. .
Therefore, Sony mentioned the "technology and the law" may be that the Xiaolong 800/801 does not support hardware encryption, and therefore cannot achieve the AES encryption speed of the ARMv8 chip. The Snapdragon 805 has the hardware needed for this feature - this is what Qualcomm has specifically added for it.
In other words, the Snapdragon 800/801 supports Android 7.0 without any technical restrictions, but because they can not meet Google's requirements for high-speed encryption, so that neither of them can pass the CTS test nor meet the CDD standard.
Source: Android Authority
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The aspheric lens uses a single element design, which helps reduce the number of lenses in the optical assembly. Unlike spherical lenses, aspheric lenses have a more complex surface, and the curvature of the surface gradually changes from the center of the lens to the edge of the lens. The most significant advantage is that it can correct the spherical aberration caused by the Spherical Lens in the collimation and focusing system. One of the applications of aspheric lenses includes focusing the output from a laser diode, which not only reduces the overall cost, but also outperforms components designed using traditional spherical optical lenses.
The asphere's more complex surface profile can reduce or eliminate spherical aberration and also reduce other optical aberrations such as astigmatism, compared to a simple lens. A single aspheric lens can often replace a much more complex multi-lens system. The resulting device is smaller and lighter, and sometimes cheaper than the multi-lens design.Aspheric elements are used in the design of multi-element wide-angle and fast normal lenses to reduce aberrations. Small molded aspheres are often used for collimating diode lasers.
Laser Aspheric Lens,Aspheric Lens,Aspheric Lenses,Collimation Optics
Changchun Realpoo Photoelectric Co., Ltd. ,