Speaker audition identification and selection

Good speakers should be very listenable. For example, when a guest arrives at home and plays music for a while, I still feel that the speakers are good at first listening, and the sound is powerful and powerful enough, especially the middle and high frequencies are bright and the low frequencies are also shocking. But after listening to it for a long time, I feel very noisy, very tired, very uncomfortable and have to shut down and leave. This kind of speaker that makes people feel very noisy and tired shows that it has a lot of distortion, and the speaker that is not listening is definitely not a good speaker. Good speakers should be reserved for residents.

A good speaker should have a distinct personality.

Some people say: The speaker is the precipitate of a country's national style and history and culture, which is no exaggeration. Therefore, the popular brand-name speakers nowadays have the so-called American sound, British sound, German sound, and European sound: American speakers focus on strong strength and huge dynamics. Especially the speakers produced in the western United States such as JBL, BOSE, etc., have bright and beautiful sound, clean and neat sound, wide open and closed, luxurious and rugged reveal a domineering chic and self-confidence. Especially suitable for performing rock, jazz and heavy metal percussion, professional OK hall, which may be related to the rugged character of the western cowboys and the penetration of Hollywood culture and art. The British box has a typical European royal blood. The sound is soft and sweet, and the style is calm. The shape is dignified and elegant, but not gorgeous. The natural wood veneer reveals a gentle and elegant noble gentleman style. It is noble in Hi-Fi and even Hi-END fields. Status. It is most suitable for the performance of classical string music and vocal reproduction, but it is slightly inferior in the performance of big dynamic burst scenes. German speakers fully reflect the meticulous spirit of the German people, strict self-discipline, professionalism, natural sound, neutral peace, especially the fine workmanship of the cabinet, such as Lili, Degao, etc. The shape is very beautiful, the sound is slightly cool and tough, more suitable For the replay of popular music. As for domestic boxes, the current domestic boutique styles are more or less similar to the British style and the European style, and have not yet formed their own personal characteristics. The well-known domestic speaker manufacturers are working hard for it, and I believe that there will be our own "Chinese style" soon.

Good speakers can hear the most subtle messages in the music background.

The degree of expression of the speaker's musical details determines the resolution of the speaker. The speaker with good resolution can hear many details in the music background. Listen to the first "Forgotten Time" of "Folk Song Cai Qin". The first few sentences are unaccompanied singing. The breath between the sentences, the opening of the teeth and the reverb of the vocals are as clear as Cai Qin is standing. Your ear sings softly to you. The high-resolution speaker can even hear the sound of the band player turning the score and the feet of the player moving on the floor. A good speaker allows you to hear the accurate positioning of various instruments in the sound field. Especially when listening to symphony, the sound image positioning speaker will make you feel; the first and second violin groups should be located on the left side of the stage, the piano and harp are on the left, the right side of the stage is generally the cello array, and later the double bass array, the stage Centered are viola array, flute, oboe, French horn, big tube, trombone, large, trumpet, percussion and timpani. Good speakers can accurately reproduce the hierarchical sound field positioning, even if you are not a fan, you can also hear the virtual sound field in front of you under the guidance of experts.

At last. There is no conflict between Hi-Fi speakers and AV speakers.

Except for a few personalities of Hi-Fi speakers that are too prominent, most of them have very good acoustic reduction capabilities. Absolutely good at all kinds of sound effects of "home theater". Even a small bookshelf box like Compass No.1, although limited by the unit's limited frequency domain, plus an active subwoofer can still be competent. The only difference between the two is that the AV box is only slightly magnetically shielded on the speaker to prevent the TV from being too close (generally within 85 cm) and magnetizing the screen. Thirdly, the low frequency end of the crossover is intentionally exaggerated to enhance the bass effect. The speaker vibration plate is also selected to be lighter, thinner and more rigid materials for faster speed and higher sensitivity, but the quality of most AV speakers themselves It is not high, and the distortion is often relatively large, so if economic conditions permit, it is better to use the Hi-Fi box as the main speaker of the family discharged from the hospital. During the audition, it is recommended that you can try the high pitch with the first "Song of the Wanderer" by Sufimut's violin solo "CARMEN-FANTSLE" number DG43754412. Pay special attention to the high quality of the violin treble with a noble and gorgeous swan-like sweet and smooth tone. The midrange part can be used for the vocal audition of the first "Forgotten Time" and the eighth "Futou" of "Cai Qin Folk Song" DJC96108, to hear whether the tone of Cai Qin is full and whether there is a unique sense of vicissitudes. The low frequency part can be tested with the sixth "California Hotel" of the Eagles (part number GEFD247225), paying special attention to whether the low frequency of the bass drum is strong enough and shocking.

After mastering the above methods, you can generally choose a set of satisfactory speakers. In short: the audition standard of a good speaker should be: high frequency, slender, soft, non-harsh, mid frequency, full and bright, low frequency, strong, clean, flexible and full of sense.
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About speaker identification and selection

As an audio terminal equipment, the speaker imitates ...

Published on 2006-04-17 23:38 • 231 times read
About speaker identification and selection
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