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Tencent Digital News (Compilation: Remarks) We all dream of having a magic wand like Harry Potter. We can manipulate everything around us with just one hand. As long as manipulating anything, as long as it is not too evil, it should be considered a "good dream."
And this dream now let Moband help us to achieve it. This is a smart wand that allows us to operate all appliances at home. Don't worry. Not only smart appliances, but even old infrared remote control appliances more than a decade ago can be "manipulated" with Moband.
Moband offers 10 preset default gestures. With only a few simple steps, Moband can learn the traditional infrared remote control and let us control the home appliances in the home.
If the default 10 actions are not enough, don't worry, Moband also has learning ability and can add more custom actions. And these actions only need to be set up through a smart phone. For example, a sweet and sweet couple can even set up such a heart-shaped action, turn off the TV, turn on the music player and put a sweet jazz, not to mention how romantic.
Moband has self-learning ability. The more times it is used, the higher the accuracy, and the accuracy will be greatly improved with time. And Moband's data comes from the user's personal movement frequency, and even after a constant "running-in", it will not even go wrong.
In addition to home appliances, Moband can also control other infrared encoding operation targets through the App Learning Settings, such as toys and sweeping robots.
Moband even offers Bluetooth excuse, providing developers with more possibilities.
Here we can take a look at the magic of Moband. Such as the standard ten default actions, up, down, left, right, back, clockwise, counterclockwise, etc.
Before using it, you must first select the mode and then wave it. It is so amazing.
Moband is equipped with a small LED display, we can use a finger to rotate the button to see the custom action and mode of operation.
How is it? It looks amazing and interesting? If friends come to visit you at home, using Moband to perform for everyone will absolutely cheer everyone up.
Early bird price of Moband is 149 Canadian dollars (about 750 yuan), and interested friends can go and see it.
Source: Kickstarter
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Hotel Door Lock Motor also known as Smart Hotel Door Lock Motor, perform operations in the hotel door lock, at this point, the cardholder simply throw the door handle to open the door. That is to say the hotel door lock motor is used to open the door.
Induction door lock is a infrared sensor through induction of new security equipment, widely used in hotels, hotels and clubs, and other areas of the smart IC card, rf door lock, generally divided into induction induction door lock system, provides the high quality for the hotel induction door lock system. Induction in the European and American countries have been developed to a certain extent, has been a measure of the quality of life index of height and life.
Operating temperature range:
Hotel door lock motor should be used at a temperature of -10~60℃.
The figures stated in the catalog specifications are based on use at ordinary room temperature catalog specifications re based on use at ordinary room temperature (approximately20~25℃.
If a Smart Hotel Door Lock Motor is used outside the prescribed temperature range,the grease on the gearhead area will become unable to function normally and the motor will become unable to start.Depending on the temperature conditions ,it may be possible to deal with them by changing the grease of the motor's parts.Please feel free to consult with us about this.
Storage temperature range:
lock motor should be stored ta a temperature of -15~65℃.
In case of storage outside this range,the grease on the gearhead area will become unable to function normally and the motor will become unable to start.
Service life:
The longevity of Smart Hotel Door Lock Motor is greatly affected by the load conditions , the mode of operation,the environment of use ,etc.Therefore,it is necessary to check the conditions under which the product will actually be used .The following conditions will have a negative effect on longevity.Please consult with us should any of them apply.
â—Use with a load that exceeds the rated torque
â—Frequent starting
â—Momentary reversals of turning direction
â—Impact loads
â—Long-term continuous operation
â—Forced turning using the output shaft
â—Use in which the permitted overhang load or the permitted thrust load is exceeded
â—A pulse drive ,e.g.,a short break,counter electromotive force,PWM control
â—Use of a voltage that is nonstandard as regards the rated voltage
â—Use outside the prescribed temperature or relative-humidity range,or in a special environment.
â—Please consult with us about these or any other conditions of use that may apply,so that we can be sure that you select the most appropriate model.
Hotel door lock motor applicable door types: building doors, fire doors, security doors, door and office door, fire doors, etc. Applicable scenario: family, company, office buildings, schools, shopping malls, such as Banks.
when it come to volume production,we're a major player as well .each month,we rurn out 600000 units,all of which are compliant with the rohs directive.Have any questions or special needed, please contact us, we have the engineer group and best sales department to service to you
Looking forward to your inquiry. Welcome to our factory.

Hotel Door Lock Motor,Smart Hotel Door Lock Motor,Hotel Keyless Door Lock Motor,Fingerprint Hotel Door Lock Motor
Shenzhen Shunchang Motor Co., LTD. ,