This food 3D printer tells us how to cook in the future

Tencent Digital News (Compiler: Mi Ke) Most of the current 3D printing technology is still far from our life, but if you can use this technology in the food cooking field, then according to the right to cause ordinary consumers to pay attention.

At present, researchers at Columbia University in New York have developed a food 3D printer that can basically cope with any kind of food, hoping to attract ordinary consumers and be able to enter ordinary people in the future.

"We want to create a machine that can understand the capabilities of 3D printer technology by making food and integrate it into our daily lives as much as possible," said Drim Stokhuijzen, a graduate student in industrial design at Columbia University.

This 3D printer not only prints food but also cooks directly. At present, it is still only a conceptual product, but it is very likely that it will formally enter our life in 2020.

Source: digitaltrends

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