Reflection detection drip speed circuit

< p> The infrared light-emitting diode sends infrared light perpendicular to the wall of the funnel, and the infrared receiving triode generates a pulse signal according to the strength of the received infrared light signal, and calculates the liquid dripping speed through timing sampling. The basic principle is as follows: when no drop falls at the drip bucket, the infrared light is totally reflected on the surface of the drip bucket, the phototransistor is turned on, and the comparator outputs a low level; Scattering occurs when dripping, the phototransistor can only receive a weak optical signal, the phototransistor is cut off, and the comparator outputs a high level. The output pulse signal of the circuit (or after being shaped by the 555 trigger) is input to the INT 1 port of the single-chip microcomputer, and the single-chip microcomputer counts the pulse signal to determine the dripping speed. The specific circuit is shown in the figure.

Reflection detection drip speed circuit
Figure reflection detection drip speed circuit diagram

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